Diagnostic Imaging
Advance your animal patient diagnostic skills and learn from world-class providers at the forefront of veterinary imaging technology. You’ll acquire the skills needed to interpret images with precision, enhancing your ability to diagnose and treat your patients effectively. Elevate your practice and stay ahead in the dynamic field of veterinary diagnostic imaging with our RACE approved basic and intermediate small animal abdominal ultrasound courses.
Course Offerings

Basic Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound
2 Day Class
This course will provide 8 hours of lecture material and approximately 8 hours of hands training. Lecture content will cover basic ultrasound physics, machine operation with focus on creating diagnostic images, general scanning techniques, and the normal ultrasound appearance of the intra-abdominal structures. This will include a review of normal anatomy and normal variants that may be seen sonograhically. During lab training, students will be guided to find and thoroughly examine the intra-abdominal structures, including the hepatobiliary system, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, adrenal glands, lymph nodes, and major vasculature.

Intermediate Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound
2 day class
This course will provide 8 hours of lecture material and approximately 8 hours of hands training. Trainees should already be familiar with general ultrasound scanning techniques and the normal appearance of intra-abdominal structures. Lecture content will cover the ultrasound appearance of abnormalities of the intra-abdominal structures, differentials, and examples of specific diseases. Ultrasound scanning techniques of the cervical region, common musculoskeletal and non-cardiac thoracic applications, and fine needle aspirate techniques will also be covered. During lab training, students will be guided through more difficult abdominal applications (adrenal glands, pancreas, vasculature), cervical and musculoskeletal imaging, and fine needle aspirate techniques using phantoms.
Our Faculty
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Level up your specialty skills with the hands-on, high-tech education and optimized educational outcomes that National Bioskills Laboratories is known for.
Learn With Us
RACE-Approved Excellence
World-Class Academic Specialists
Modern, Hands-on Learning Facilities
Three Convenient Locations Nationwide

About US
Our Story
National Bioskills Laboratories established itself as the leader in hands-on medical education for human health, founded by physicians who were determined to provide optimal learning environments in convenient locations to take the stress out of continuing education. Bringing that same thought leadership to animal health, Founder and CEO Douglas Hampers, M.D. describes his commitment to transforming professional education.

